Tax Rates


Income Tax Rates

The Allowance for Resident Individuals is EC$25,000

  • $25,000 – $45,000 tax is 15%
  • $45,000 – $75,000 tax is 25%
  • Over $75,000 tax is 35%


Corporation Tax

Corporation Tax is 28%

Witholding Tax

If you purchase a property and you reside in Dominica for less than 6 months of the year you will be liable to pay withholding tax of 15% if you rent out the property and the money is paid to you outside of Dominica.

If you reside here for 6 months or more you may be liable to income tax and payment of Vat if registered for VAT on the income earned from the rental.

For information about paying taxes in Dominica visit Inland Revenue Division

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